Thursday 9 June 2011

The baby is all grown up!

Felix had his very first ride today.  Devon just hopped on, Felix stood there like a total champ - didn't even flinch.  It was totally uneventful, just as it should be.  Pictures to come once Heather uploads them to facebook!

This is why we long line.  So that any battles can be fought from the safety of the ground, and some stop and steer is also installed ahead of time.  And it's not just for young horses. I've seen high level dressage done one long lines. In fact, here's a video of a very cute little mini doing dressage on long lines!
If you don't know how - I am willing to bet that there is someone at your farm that does.  If not, there are several books on the subject, and likely clinicans who would be pleased to teach you. It's a skill that I feel that every horse person should have in their bag of tricks, and I'm always surprised to learn that most people have no idea what it is or how to do it. 

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